Talk about Leadership, Arts, Philanthropy, family DYnamics, money and meaning.

What's Your Real Goal?

What's Your Real Goal?

"Into Thin Air" shares Jon Krakauer's experience of the disastrous 1996 Mt. Everest Expedition, in which eight climbers were killed.

The goal is to reach the summit. But the climbers fixated on that goal were more reckless and more likely to die.

The climbers who focused on surviving and returning home to their families calculated risks and were likely to live.

Goal Setting

- Goals give us direction and motivation.

- Goals also reflect our values - and sometimes illuminate conflicting values if we're open to seeing them.

One goal can blind us to others if we're not careful.

When Nothing is Better Than Something

When Nothing is Better Than Something

Say what you feel when you say, "I feel"

Say what you feel when you say, "I feel"